Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]

Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions!

Do you have a frequently asked question which isn’t on this page?

I’d love to hear from you, answer your question, and add it to this list to help others who may be having the same challenge as you in solving something. Please post your question as a Comment below, or send it to me as an email – many thanks!

I have a list of 50+ FAQs I am creating and adding a video to each one, so bookmark this page and come back at any time -)

  1. Why shouldn’t I upload an image to FB without a link? [Audiogram FB FAQ 001]
  2. What Does TLDR Mean? FAQ 002
  3. What does SMH mean? FAQ 003
  4. What is a HASHTAG? FAQ 004
  5. What does GREEN SCREEN mean? FAQ 005
  6. If I go from unlisted to public on my YouTube video, will the URL change? FAQ 006
  7. Can I change a video filename after I have uploaded to YouTube? FAQ 007
  8. How do I add the 3 hashtags below each YouTube video, above the Title?
  9. Why does my video get stuck at 0% when I try to upload to YouTube?
  10. Which is the best inbound marketing – YouTube or blog? FAQ 010
  11. How can I use animated videos in my marketing? FAQ 011
  12. How can I add just a portion of a YouTube video to a YouTube playlist? FAQ 012
  13. How do I extract single photos from a YouTube video? FAQ 013

Thanks for dropping by!

Looking forward to chatting with you to answer your questions or help you work out the direction you need to be heading to improve your business using video marketing.

Chat soon! (phone Australia 0408-801-808 – or text, Zoom and Skype) or post messages here:

Ciao ciao for now,

Teena signature black

Teena Hughes

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