Price Comparison for Animated Video Creator Software 2019 – 2020

Price Comparison for Animated Video Creator Software 2019

I love making videos, and I love helping my clients and followers create videos too.

And that’s where it gets confusing … so many Apps, so many choices, so many PRICES, inclusions and exclusions so I decided to do some research on the software products I was already using, and on other software which came highly recommended. This is were I document my findings …

Update February 2020 – more and more video creation software is available, some of them ridiculously expensive, and some of those who offer “free” versions are limiting the customer to NO download – WTF? – or very small video size, or adding large Watermarks which affect the professionalism of the video. I’ve commented on this at the bottom of this page.

The new bottom line is I won’t be updating this page any further – prices are fluctuating too often for me to keep updating the list.

Price Comparison for Animated Video Creator Software 2019

This isn’t a “complete” list of video software – far from it!

It is a list of the software I’m using, I’ve tried, or have considered testing.

If you’d like to add to the list, I’d love to hear from you! Please post a comment below, or send me an email with details for me to fill in each column where required – thanks in advance!

Many business owners want a simple way to create animated videos

I must admit that after trying quite a few video creation Apps, and then checked out the Pricing and free options, I’ve been disappointed.

My mission has been to help my own Clients find something:

  1. simple to understand
  2. simple to use
  3. pain-free to add branding link or logo image
  4. and straightforward to download.

List of animated Video Creator Software I’ve tried or heard of

Here’s a short list of the options I’ve looked at, and the notes I’ve made have helped me decide which one might be best for which scenario … and maybe it might help you too (I’m hoping! Got my fingers crossed!)

PS — I’ll be adding to this list as I try new software; feel free to send me your suggestions and info to fill in the relevant field – thanks!

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Which animated Video Creator Software do I recommend in September 2019?

I’m glad you asked :-)

It’s now February 2020 and I’ve revisited some of these sites, and I have to be honest and say I’m quite disappointed. Some prices have gone up, and the bottom line is, I find most of these too expensive for a small business to get started.

Why bother having “free accounts” if:

  1. the videos cannot be downloaded?
  2. or the videos are watermarked (in some instances, with HUGE logos).

This is forcing small business owners to move to the “paid” accounts – and this is disappointing for me.

I believe a much better pricing model for companies selling simple services online is as follows:

  • charge $1/month to everyone – unless they exceed a set number of videos per month (50? 100)
  • this allows the small business to have an even playing field with downloadable videos, NO WATERMARKS, and a chance to compete
  • this type of pricing model also allows for business owners to sign up with more than one provider, and feel like they are able to offer a wider variety of videos.

As it is now, I’m not sure I would pay for any of these service – I think the pricing is just too high.

This is my humble opinion based on my research.


Got any questions about Price Comparison between the different Animated Video Creator Software?


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Please note — there may be affiliate links in this article, for which I receive a tiny commission if someone makes a purchase.


  1. Teena, once again you’ve knocked the ball out of the park! Not only does Teena know how to do video now she has given everyone a side by side comparison of Video creation software with all the info you need to make a great decision on what software would work best for your specific needs! You definitely need to sign up to become a Teena Tech Tips Insider! When it comes to video Teena is the go to source!

  2. Matt, thanks ever so much for your very kind words!

    I’m pleased you’ve found this article helpful, and you’re right — I wanted to help as many people as I could by sharing what my research has revealed.

    Have a fantastic day!

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