Easy Way To Beat Your Competition With Videos

Have you heard about this easy way to beat your competition with videos online?

I suggest creating short videos answering all the questions you’ve ever been asked about your niche, product or service.

I can see your eyes rolling from here :-) Honestly this is one of the simplest and most rewarding task to do for every business, no matter what size the business is.

  • ▼ Start creating short videos answering all the questions you’ve ever been asked about your business
  • ▼ These become your Question & Answer videos
  • ▼ Add every Question & Answer video to a YouTube Channel for your business, and link back to specific pages on your website (do NOT link back to only the Home page!)
  • ▼ Create a YouTube Channel Playlist and add ALL these videos
  • ▼ For the Call To Action at the end of each video, link it to the next video in the Playlist, to keep viewers watching the Series!
  • ▼ Videos do not need to be ‘professionally’ made – they can be 60 second videos of you asking the question, answering the question, and saying where to go to next.
  • ▼ These videos will work for you 24/7, day after day, year after year, and will boost your website over time.
  • ▼ Video Q&A’s will also be added to search results if anyone anywhere types in any of the questions you’ve answered … onto Google, Bing etc … so write down all the ones you’ve been asked over the years 🙂
  • ▼ Want a Check List to follow? Grab the link.

Want to try to Beat Your Competition With Videos?

I do hope this makes sense – if you have questions please do let me know.

Here are a few ways to get in touch with me:

  • on my website
  • on YouTube
  • on Facebook
  • if you’re in Australia, feel free to call or text me on 0408-801-808
  • if you’re calling from outside Australia, feel free to call or text me on +61-408-801-808 (for example US and Canada, 011-61-408-801-808)

Perhaps you’d like to join in on my Zoom Chats every two weeks?

Cheers – I look forward to chatting with you soon and getting your videos in front of lots of potential customers, clients and students.

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Teena Hughes

Teena of TeenaHughesOnline.com



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