What Does TLDR Mean? FAQ002


Have you been wondering what TL;DR means?

Hi, this is Teena Hughes, author of the “10 step video marketing blueprint” and I love hearing questions like this from my clients and followers. In a nutshell, TL;DR means, “too long, didn’t read”.

So what does that mean? I’ve seen TLDR at the start of articles, online posts on social media, blog posts, et cetera. And at first I thought it was an HTML typo. Well when I saw it more frequently I did a quick search and discovered it had become a thing on social media.

It can be :

  1. a helpful tip to future readers,
  2. or it could be tongue in cheek commentary
  3. or a summary of something you’re about to read.


So you can take this two ways:

  1. this is too long, don’t read it, or
  2. this was too long. I didn’t read it.

Take it as a thoughtful gesture and then choose if you have the time to read it, whatever it is, or look for a summary which won’t take too long to read and will definitely save you time.

Either way, it’s in the Urban dictionary and is in common use, and won’t be disappearing any time soon.

I did some research

The research tells me it was first used in online usenet groups as early as 2002 which surprised me.

It’s also been turned into some very funny memes of photos of well-known celebrities and prominent figures holding books related to their craft or skill, and showing the TL;DR.

These can be quite funny and get shared very quickly on Twitter, et cetera.

What Does TLDR Mean? FAQ002

Now you know what TLDR means, you can use it with wild abandon. Go right ahead.

PS, this video is a “question and answer” video and I love to make these to help my clients and followers who send me questions all the time.

If you’d like to know how to make Q&A videos, I’ve got a PDF called “How to make videos to answer questions”, and you can download it and get started today.

Please download the PDF below, or read more on TeenaHughesOnline.com/022.

Let me know if you have any questions after you read it, okay?

If you liked this little video, please do hit the LIKE button below, share it with your friends and be sure to subscribe. Don’t forget to post your questions below as well, so cheerio from me.

This is Teena Hughes from TeenaHughesOnline.com — I’ll see you in the next video! Bye Bye!

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