How To Make Videos With Photos

Wondering how to make videos with photos?

A lot of people are put off when it comes to making videos, as it feels TOO HARD to do.

Today I’d like to show you a possible solution which takes all the hesitation out of the process.

It’s a video creation software called Wave which I’ve been testing (there’s a free version without a watermark, and a paid version).

To zoom in to watch the video:

  • on your computer – click the 4-headed arrows in the bottom right corner of the video
  • on a smart phone – turn the phone sideways for a better view.


What was needed to make this video:

  1. I signed up for a free account (click to go to Wave right now and do this)
  2. a couple of photos (either your own or find some great free images at Pixabay or Pexels)
  3. a video or two if you want to (either your own or find some great free videos at Pixabay or Pexels)
  4. a couple of words to go on each slide (more tips below)
  5. a Call To Action for the last slide — what do you want people to do NEXT?
  6. somewhere to upload the video — like YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia etc (once uploaded, the video link can then be added to a website or blog and social media locations online).

Which kind of text is required for the video?

This depends on the PURPOSE of the video.

In my example in the coffee video below:

  • I pretended I was a coffee lover’s cafe
  • I shared photos of coffee beans, cups of coffee etc
  • I wrote snippets of interesting text on each photo to keep the viewer watching and engaged
  • and for the last slide I pointed them to my (pretend) website link – which could also be a phone number, address etc.

This video below is 26 seconds long and took less than 30 minutes to create

Perfect for newbies and beginners!

So, grab a coffee or other beverage, block out 30 minutes in your Calendar, and follow my steps to make an awesome video for you and your business, product, service or art today :-)


Are you ready to try this great video creator software?

Fantastic! Click here to get started >>

I’d love to see what you make – after you upload your video online, send me the link and I’ll showcase it here and on my Facebook page if you’d like me to do so.

What are you waiting for?

Start making videos today!

Ciao ciao for now,

Teena signature black

Teena Hughes

PS — Some products mentioned have my Affiliate Links in them
The Affiliate Links may be in the form of content or text links. I may receive a small commission on sales made through these links, and I appreciate you showing your support by clicking on these links.

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