DATE: 28th April, 2019
When Brisbane insurance company Auzi Pty Ltd were chosen as one of the seven finalists in the 2019 Insurance Business Australia Awards, in the Best Digital Strategy – Brokerage Category, all the staff were absolutely thrilled.
The IBAwards state: “This award recognises the best brokerage that has harnessed digital channels to provide clients with practical, effective and easily accessible information to help them with their business.”
It was time to create their Video and written Submission, so the brainstorming began.
The team was small compared to their competitors – the boss Neil Inns, tech guru Reza, admin and social media coordinators Hayley and Bec.
In true 2019 style, the staff weren’t always in the Brisbane office together, and continued to work from their locations around the world and communicated with video chats, texts and phone calls.
The video submission guidelines were crystal clear:
- feature the staff
- no audio
- maximum length 10-12 seconds.
Neil met with local Digital Strategist, Teena Hughes to discuss the video and written Submissions, after they had both reviewed previous years’ winning videos.
The plan was to do something innovative and different.
At that meeting, Teena shared her video concept and Neil couldn’t wait to share it with the staff — it was clever, very different, and it would be fun to create.
The business had been growing strongly in the insurance industry by providing public liability insurance to market stallholders — something which had been expensive in the past. Insurance for other businesses were included, as well as Professional Indemnity.
Neil’s vision was to create a community of customers, not just faceless people paying annual insurance, so he started devising ways to include his market stall customers — and to feature them — in his business.
It was this vision which helped the business grow and make friends with its delightful customers, showcase them on the website, blog and social media accounts, which in turn created wonderful followers happy not only with the service they received, but happy to share their testimonials with others.
It was these folks Neil was thinking of as he created the required documentation for the upcoming Award.
The written Submission included all the amazing ways this small team had been including their customers as their digital marketing strategy. Each staff member was so proud to have achieved as much as they had in just a few short years.
The Video and written Submission were uploaded on time, and the team was so proud of each other. Their respect for one another is marvellous to see, and their teamwork has helped make them stronger in the business.
When the Awards were announced at the start of May 2019, Auzi weren’t the winner, but being a Finalist in these prestigious awards made them feel so proud.
That was reward enough for the efforts put in to build such a community-focussed business, who know some of their customers by name, because they’d connected online and even in person at some of the markets they visited.
Here is the video submission — the four faces of Auzi, featured in a cube layout so they could each look at each other like the great old Brady Bunch video in the early 1970s.
Auzi’s customers were also thrilled they’d been a finalist and shared their love.
If you’d like to work with a company like Auzi to help you with your insurance, and to be treated like a human rather than a number, please visit the website on or pop over to the Facebook page to say hello on – they’d love to meet you!
If you need clever marketing videos created by someone who thinks outside the box, have a chat with Teena Hughes – she LOVES making videos to help clients get found online :-)
- pop over here to type a message >>
- or call Teena in Queensland on 0408-801-808
- of if you’re calling from USA/Canada, call 011-61-408-801-808
- or if you’re calling from a different country, call your international code, then 61-408-801-808
Other Auzi Videos by Teena Hughes
- 1 minute 57 seconds, copyright-free music
- 38 seconds
- copyright-free music
- 1 minute 40 seconds
- copyright-free music
- voiceover by Teena Hughes