Why shouldn’t I upload an image to FB without a link? [Audiogram FB FAQ 001]

 In this Series of Audiograms (square image with animated TEXT, posted to social media accounts), I’ll be providing questions I receive about different facets of being online, and my answers. This is the first in the Series, and is based on a Facebook question. Why shouldn’t I upload an …

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What is a storyboard? [Q&A 010]

    Have you wondered, “What is a storyboard?” Hi, this is Teena Hughes with “What is a storyboard?” — today’s frequently asked question. A storyboard is : a sheet of paper or electronic device screen with a grid drawn on it possibly three or four across and large enough …

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Video Marketing Strategies That Work

TLDR: Pssst! No time to read this long, juicy post? Prefer the PDF? Click this button to download the PDF straight away>> Download the PDFs today! Loading…   Video marketing is a marketing strategy with a lot of potential Perhaps the easiest way to think of “video marketing” is to …

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How To Create a Video Intro on the iPhone Using Text Part 1

How To Create a Video Intro on the iPhone Using Text Part 1 of 3 How To Create a Video Intro on the iPhone Using Text Part 1 is a Tutorial on creating animated text as a GIF or video to add to other video projects or social media accounts. …

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