Video marketing can save your bacon by putting lots of opportunities online for folks to see you in a very positive light.
A lot of folks are worried about negative comments and feedback about their business, as they absolutely should be. It’s so easy for someone to post something negative online these days, so rather than panic and have worry-filled sleepless nights, here’s how you can take action today!
Want to know HOW?
Great! Let’s get started! Oh, by the way, “save your bacon” is a nice way of saying “save your butt” (or any other 4 letter word which fits in this scenario), and even “save your business”.
In the simplest explanation, you’ll need to create a LOT of POSITIVE information about your company online.
If there are negative comments, reviews etc about you or your business online, your first step is to make sure you’ve done everything in your power to be kind to those people and not get involved in an online disagreement.
If these aren’t people who’ve had any business dealings with you, or you don’t know how to contact them, then you’ll need to do some work.
Types of positive information you can post online
- ask for feedback (testimonial) from all previous and current clients — ask if you can have approval (in writing, email is good) to use these in your marketing efforts on your website and elsewhere online – this is very important
- whichever format the feedback comes in (email, phone voicemail, video etc), it can be turned into many other types of content — for example, an email testimonial can be turned into an image (with your URL/link embedded) and posted on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and many other image sites online
- if you get video testimonials, transcribe them, turn them into images, PDFs, slideshows – make sure your website link is on everything you publish
- write Press Releases as though you’re being interviewed (ask a friend to help if you like) and publish those online
- visit Q&A websites like Quora.com, find questions related to your industry, and answer them, be friendly and helpful, and do one or more of these a day.
Something which is extremely powerful but might be slightly more difficult to do, is to write articles, especially using some of the ‘negative’ words used in the offending information already online.
The point of this is so that anyone who’s searching for your business name and the word ‘problem’ for example, will find lots of OTHER information about you with those two things in them, which will push the older information down the search results lists.
For example, if someone wrote about your business and said you were ‘rude’ and ‘offensive’, you could write a couple of blog posts, articles and other documents using those words and explain HOW your business deals with negative information.
Be as warm as possible with your words, and provide excellent information on how you resolve these types of issues.
Detail procedures, so folks know these issues should never appear, and if they do, they know in advance how kind you’ll be when dealing with these issues.
The more you can show how professional your business is and how kind your staff is, the more people will respect you.
Yes! Video Marketing can save your bacon!
- If you can, have someone video you acting as a reporter, or asking you questions, so you can verbalise how you ensure all issues are resolved.
- Next you can start to create a whole series of Q&A videos related to your business, based on 10-20 of the top most-asked questions you receive in your business.
- When you’ve done this, think about other ways to use short 1-2 minute videos. Do you have products? How about a video based on each product or service, to explain what it is, how it works, and what the benefits to the customer are?
- Another way to use videos is to come up with a list of common words used in your industry, and make one video per word, to explain what it means — this will become an industry-based video dictionary, and can be super helpful to potential customers, can be fantastic content for your website, and can be distributed far and wide online. And don’t forget each of these types of videos can be turned into other content — PDFs, Press Releases, slideshows etc.
If you follow even some of these ideas, you’ll be taking positive actions to boost your credibility and reputation online, all of which is a good thing.
Best of luck, let me know how you get on – comment here or chat with me on my Facebook page.