Use this tutorial to learn how to create a flyer for lead-building
Getting leads for for your business, product or service are the most important thing you can do as a business owner.
Follow my template below to make sure you include as many ways to get folks to sign up for your mailing list as possible.
Once you have people on your list, you can contact them over and over to let them know about new products and services, and to provide tips etc to keep them interested.
Why is lead-building so important?
Finding people who might buy your product or service should be the daily goal of business owners, artists, entrepreneurs and anyone else who needs customers or clients.
“Build a website and they will come!” – er – no they won’t
Just putting a website online is NOT enough to bring people to your site.
Imagine you started a new business, it was upstairs in a building with no passing foot traffic (people), and you decided to drive 10, 20, 50, 100 miles or kilometres away, find a forest, and post ONE FLYER on one tree, deep in the heart of the remote forest.
How many people potential customers and clients do you think might:
- SEE the flyer
- WRITE down your address
- COME VISIT your office? or visit your website?
That’s right.
None. Zero. Zip.
That is a wasted marketing exercise with no possibility of success.
What should I do then? How can I help people find my products and services?
Excellent question!
It’s important to think strategically, make a plan – a strategy – and follow it.
Having a flyer or other document with all the relevant information and a photo of the business owner is Step 1.
Before doing ANYTHING with the flyer, either online or offline, it is essential to set up a way to CAPTURE the details of people using the links on the flyer.
On the website, set up:
- a form where people can type their email name in exchange for a free gift of great perceived value (a PDF, mini training course, Checklist etc)
- the email software can be aweber, Contant Contact etc who will gather and look after all the email names, for future use.
- Once the person signs up, they should receive an email with details on HOW to now get the gift – a download link is the simplest.
One step on this Marketing Strategy plan might be:
- Learn how to create a flyer.
- On the flyer it’s important to put ALL THE WAYS someone can find you and your business, product and/or service.
- There are currently two ways to market a business — online and offline. Let’s start with OFFLINE.
- The next step in the marketing strategy might be to attend local business group get-togethers, networking events, or local Chamber of Commerce business events and regular meetings. That’s a great step! Flyers can be handed out, or placed on the seats before the attendees arrive.
- Putting flyers in shop windows, on noticeboards and other places will also get your name out there.
Now let’s look at the ONLINE marketing.
- The flyer could be turned into a PDF and distributed on PDF sharing sites.
- The information could be reformatted and turned into a Slideshow, saved as a PDF, and uploaded to document sharing sites.
- The flyer could be shared in online groups like on Facebook, or on sites like Quora when answering questions related to the expertise of the business owner.
- Being interviewed on Podcasts is a fabulous way to reach more people, especially if you have a freebie gift for the listeners (in exchange for an email name). As part of the gift, include your latest flyer which highlights all your products and services with quick ways to contact you.
The email names ARE the “leads”!
Capturing the email names, and keeping in touch with the people, is known as nurturing.
Keep them up-to-date on what’s happening in the business, new products and services, new “offers” (something they can buy).
Here is an example for an Author’s Book as a flyer:
You have just learned how to create a flyer for lead-building
And hopefully you’ve learned a bit more :-)
Best of luck! Keep me updated on how you’re getting on.
Teena Hughes