How do I drive traffic to my brand new blog about coffee?

How do I drive traffic to my brand new blog about coffee or shoes or my business of any description whatsoever?

Hi, this is Teena Hughes from and this is an excellent question.

Let me take you through some of the steps that I recommend to get traffic.

  1. Think about all the questions people have already asked you about coffee or your coffee site. Write them down, one on each line.
  2. think about how you’d answer each of those questions in one to two minutes max.
  3. using your smart phone or laptop or desktop computer with camera lens, record yourself first asking the question and then answering it. So this is like a little video selfie.
  4. Now record the second question, answer it and repeat this all for all the questions you have written down. Step number five, these selfie videos will become a video marketing strategy that didn’t cost you anything.
  5. And by answering each question, you are showing you a know your stuff about coffee or whatever your business is about.
  6. Using a free app on your phone, create an animated intro for the videos with animated text like “Dave’s coffee chats” or whatever else makes sense for you. And also telling folks to visit your website link to find out more, or grab a free coffee guide PDF or something else they’ll really want, and they’d love to get it for free.

Now using that free video editing software on your smartphone or computer, create one video for each question and answer.

The five things you need are:

  1. the video intro
  2. the selfie question and answer.
  3. the video outro, which is also known as the call to action or CTA
  4. add soft music in the background if you like, but only make it 10 to 20% of volume because that’s way high enough
  5. Number five, export as video and download to a computer for the next step.

It’s important to create a YouTube account if you don’t already have one.

The YouTube account then becomes your YouTube Channel. There were four steps to this part.

  1. upload the first video.
  2. make sure the YouTube description shows all the words in the video as well as the voice, and that’s as a Transcript so the text appears on the screen
  3. include the website link and social media links if available
  4. publish the video to YouTube. Woohoo, congratulations!

So what about the rest of the video questions?

There were two parts to this.

  1. The first part is they can all be uploaded and saved as “private” in YouTube until you’re ready to publish them.
  2. The second part is publishing one per week is excellent! Two is fantastic, but don’t do more than that.

YouTube wants to know you’re a legitimate business or person who’s not a scammer or a spammer, so uploading too many too quickly is not a good idea.

Now that the videos are made, are you still wondering:

“How do I drive traffic to my brand new blog?”

Are you wondering about how you’re going to market these videos online?

When a video is published on YouTube, publish it on these following places too:

  1. social media accounts like Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, et cetera
  2. if you have a website, it must be posted there and each video needs its own blog post or page on your website, and add the text transcript here too
  3. Facebook groups where it’s okay to share your latest video or videos related to coffee or whatever your business is
  4. any other locations related to videos online or your niche which is coffee or whatever it happens to be
  5. post on Quora when people ask questions and you have a video which answers the question
  6. there are lots of other places and you can find them by searching online and asking some of the groups that you’re on.

I do hope this helps and please be sure to let me know if you follow these steps.

They’ve worked wonders for my clients in all types of businesses and I’m sure they’ll work well for you too.

Just remember, slow and steady wins the race.

You don’t have to try and get a hundred videos out in the next month and then expect tons of traffic and make lots of money.

Be methodical, stick to a system that you do every week or twice a week. Whatever your system is, just make sure you stick to it and be consistent.

How do I drive traffic to my brand new blog about coffee?

I wish you all the very best of luck.

This is Teena Hughes from

Cheerio for now. See you in the next video!

Oh, and don’t forget, if you enjoyed this, please do let me know by posting a comment or even if you feel like it, you could subscribe and ring the bell so you’ll be notified when I post my next video.

Alrighty. Bye bye.

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