A video marketing testimonial from the other side of the planet

A video marketing testimonial from Liz

What a delightful surprise to pop into Facebook for a quick update and to find this delightful message from Liz:

A video marketing testimonial from the other side of the planet, from Liz

check out my Youtube Channel >>

I’m super chuffed because Liz sent me a message from Bath (in the UK), and I’m living in a beach-side location on the east coast near Brisbane, Australia.

Finding like-minded souls online to share our work and passion with is so rewarding!

And I’m thrilled to bits that Liz loves my animated avatar videos — because I love them too!

Why am I excited about a video marketing testimonial?

Receiving a comment about something we’ve done online to help others is always a delightful bonus, and it is worthwhile taking a screenshot to add to our folder of Testimonials on our computers.

We can use these snapshots as :

  • blog posts
  • website updates
  • and other social comments
  • our followers love to see their names in print (unless it’s on a private space online) and it’s always a good idea to ask them if they’re OK with us reposting their comment.

Testimonials help us to show social proof that someone else has liked our work ethic, product or service — and helps to show others that we’re real people.

A video marketing testimonial is so wonderful — it’s like gold — because it’s unsolicited (we didn’t ask for it) and genuine.

Do you have any testimonials for your business yet?

If not, it’s time to start collecting them.

This week I’m hosting a video marketing Meetup in my local cafe, and I’ll be offering the attendees free publicity if they make a quick selfie video testimonial about the Meetup.

  1. I’ll publish the videos on Youtube for them (and on my website), which will share their business name online in two places
  2. this activity will show the attendees HOW to use a video testimonial
  3. the simple act of creating a selfie video for business will help the attendees lose their fear of video making for their business — a real win-win situation.

If you have received or given any video testimonials, let me know – share them if you like – I look forward to seeing them.

PS – here is a video I created for a lady who was worried her business wasn’t growing — and needed ideas FAST on how to help people find her online; I include 10 tips about using Video Testimonials on your website and Pinterest board – it might give you some ideas to kick start your own video testimonial marketing – this technique can be accomplished within one week and WILL help if you share the Testimonial videos everywhere you can :

Cheerio for now

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Teena Hughes

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