3 Quick Tips for YouTube Descriptions

Here are 3 quick tips on how to improve your YouTube descriptions

In this video, I’m going to teach you 3 quick tips for YouTube Descriptions so you can boost the video’s SEO on a YouTube Channel,.

PS – SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. Alrighty, let’s head over to one of your videos on YouTube and click the edit button.

Number One - 01 - freebie images and soundsStep number one, write a great long description, not just a couple of words, not just a couple of sentences. Make sure it’s juicy and give the search engine robots some text to find, which explains what the video is all about. If you make sure that the long-tail keyword phrase, which is at least four words, is in the description as well as similar phrases and synonyms, this video will have a better chance to be found in searches.

02 Number twoStep number two include all the ways people can find you if they like your video, which means your website or other main link, the social media accounts like Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, et cetera. If you have courses or something else that would be of interest to the viewer, put a link in there for that as well, with a bit of an explanation. Also, if you received any questions about this particular thing in your business or product or service, go ahead and put those links back to your website as well, if you have them already, there.

03 Number threeStep number three – post a link back to the exact blog post or web page where a copy of this video will be posted. This is like a double-headed SEO “arrow” for the search engine robots, so they can match this particular video with an external location and this is SEO magic! So make sure you do this one.

Of course you may have to publish the video first and then go back to the website and do that second, but that’s okay as long as it gets done.

Now, of course there are lots of other steps, but these three can be done straight away and they help the search engine robots to start improving your videos, ranking in the search results as quickly as possible.

I hope you enjoyed these 3 quick tips for your YouTube Descriptions!

By following them, you’ll now be able to boost a video’s SEO.

Once your YouTube channel is looking great, you may need to learn a little bit more about using YouTube for your video marketing.

If you’d like a check list on how to do that, scroll down and click the link below so you can get started straight away.

If you found these three quick tips useful, I’d love to hear from you. Post a comment down below. Send me an email, share it with your friends and be sure to subscribe.

PS — feel free to contact me in any of these ways:

  1. by sending an email
  2. by posting on Facebook
  3. by commenting on YouTube
  4. by phone me in Australia on 0408-801-808

Thanks so much for watching!

I’ll see you in the next video! Ciao ciao!

Teena signature black

Teena Hughes of TeenaHughesOnline.com

Author of the “50 marketing secrets of successful women” book.

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