Write a list of questions you’ve been asked over and over

Write a list of questions you've been asked over and overWrite a list of questions as the backbone of your CONTENT STRATEGY

OK, you’re overwhelmed, you’re hearing — and reading — so much about content, but you just don’t know where to start. Has anyone said, “Write a list of questions!”?

For all the techniques I use for client projects, and to teach clients, I say, “Start at the beginning — write a list of questions you’ve been asked over and over — THESE are the things folks are typing into search engines and Youtube, all over the internet.”

  • if you write a list of question you’ve been asked, you already know the answers you gave :-)
  • turn each question into a blog post of its own
  • make sure to use Blog SEO in all the right places
  • create an image for Instagram and other sites with the QUESTION on it, and a LINK back to your site
  • make sure to use Image SEO in all the right places
  • if you can come up with 10-20 questions (at a minimum), turn them into an ebook or PDF download (which could be used as a piece of content with great perceived value, given away to folks who sign up on your site)
  • turn the blog post into a video and post in all those places identified in your Content Strategy
  • make sure to use Video SEO in all the right places.

This is just a SHORT LIST of what can be done from ONE piece of content.

Now go look at all the blog posts on your website, or the videos you’ve made, and repurpose them by turning them into OTHER pieces of content

Finding it hard to write a list of questions?

If you’re just starting out, write down all the questions you’re likely to be asked about your business, product or service and you’ll be starting out on the right track.

PS — Have you tried something different when it comes time to write a list of questions or for other ways of creating content? Would you like to share? It’d be great if your tips might help someone else too. Pop a note into the Comments below, send me an email, or pop over to the Facebook page if that’s where you prefer to hang out 🙂

Have fun!

Teena signature

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