Table of Contents
Hi, I’m Teena Hughes of, the author of “50 Marketing Secrets of Successful Women” book. Do you want to make videos for business, but you’re not sure where to start? In this video, I’m going to share 10 video examples with you to help you kickstart your video marketing, so your business will be found online. The sooner you start making videos, the sooner people will find you, and if you post them on Youtube, you’ve hit the holy grail of search engines! I’ll be sharing my Video Checklist PDF with you too, so stay tuned. Okay, you ready to dive in?
The top of my list is: Frequently Asked Questions, also known as FAQs.
This is by far the easiest way to start making videos. We’ve all been asked questions about our business, about what we do, so start by making a list of all of those questions you’ve ever been asked. Now turn each one into a stand-alone video and answer the question people are searching for online. Perfect! I love these the most!
Second on my list is “How To” videos
Showing people how to do something related to your art, business, product, or service is a great way to start helping them. To find more ideas for “how to” videos type “how to” plus your niche into a search engine and you’ll find a lot of ideas for making videos.
Third on my list is Product Demos or New Products.
If you sell products, it’s a great idea to make quick videos about each one. A one-minute video with an introduction and a “call to action” at the end will help people find your products.
Fourth on my list is Testimonials
Now this is super, super important.
When you’ve received one testimonial, it’s a perfect time to ask the sender if you can use it in your marketing efforts. Turn email, text, audio files, and selfies into testimonial videos to build trust about your business and post them online.
Fifth on my list? I’ve got the Who, What, Where, Why and How videos.
All these other questions are fantastic ways to make a list about your product, services, and business. Start writing them down and you’ll be surprised at how many more videos you can make from this list.
Number six on my list is Event Videos.
Now a lot of people forget about this, but it’s a great idea. Have you got any seminars coming up? Webinars, business group meetings, events of any kind? This is a perfect opportunity to take short videos to use before and after the event.
Number seven is Meet The Staff videos.
if you have staff feature them on a video, 30 seconds each will be enough to share their love of what they do in your business, and if you don’t have staff but you have a dog or a cat, go ahead and make a video. I’ve seen plenty of these that made me smile or laugh.
My eighth one is Introduce Your Store.
If you’ve got a store online or offline, make a short walk-through video showing your location so people can get to know more about your business, and even show them how to log in or how to sign up for something. That’s a great way to get started.
My ninth idea is Show More of Your Location.
Make a quick video about where you go for a walk in the park, along the beach. Show the viewers where you head off to when you want to take a walk to get re-energized. This is a great way of connecting and starting to build a community.
The 10th idea I have is for News and Announcements,
Got a new staff member, new press release or announcement of some kind? Turn them into quick videos to share. Now I know that’s 10 and I said I’d give you 10, but I’ve got a bonus one for you.
The 11th idea is for your video marketing, it’s important to share your very own “why” and “who am I” video.
Telling a short story about how you started your business and what inspires you, is a great way to connect with your viewers and helps people to get to know you.
I hope this list of 11 types of videos with business kickstarts your brain into overdrive!
If it did, that’s fantastic! If it didn’t, type HELP! In the comments and let me know what’s stopping you from getting started. I’d love to help you either way.
Post me a comment because I’d love to know what you think about the video and don’t forget – click the link below to download and print the Video Checklist PDF to make sure you give your videos the best chance of being found online.
Now, if you liked this video, please do hit the LIKE button below.
Share it with your friends and be sure to subscribe by clicking the little BELL. Thanks so much for watching and I’ll see you in the next video.
This is Teena Hughes from
Ciao ciao for now!
### End Transcript