How to rewrite your old tired 3 minute elevator pitch

How to rewrite your old tired 3 minute elevator pitch with Teena Hughes

I always loved the idea of the 3 minute elevator pitch or speech — but times have changed and we need to rethink our message – let me help you get started.

“Teena, what’s a 30 second or 3 minute elevator pitch?”

Once upon a time in a faraway world … oh wait! That was here on Earth, not so long ago :-)

The “pitch” in an elevator came about because business owners were having an imaginary ride in an imaginary elevator/lift, and had 3 minutes maximum to explain what they do in their business.

As we are now experiencing on a day-to-day basis, life in this internet world is MOVING FAST!

The “3 minute pitches” have been replaced by a “30 second” pitch, so we need to get our message across quickly and clearly.

I’ve written 3 minute pitches and scripts for clients over the years, and even have a template I email to clients who ask, but more and more I’m thinking it’s time to change my own 3 minute elevator pitch.

I’m a big believer in creating excellent content to build your business, starting by the business owner answering all the questions they’ve ever been asked about their business.

My idea is that you create one web page or one blog post for each question and answer, which could be from 10 to 50 to 100 questions;  this becomes the backbone of your business, and shows you as being the “go to” person in your industry because you show how you solved so many questions about your product and service, in a very sharing way, on the internet. No hidden agendas, no sneaky tactics, just answer questions which potential customers and clients ask.

So today that had me thinking and I feel it’s time for change …

See if you can come up with a better 3 minute elevator pitch for yourself

Instead of filling your 3 minute elevator pitch focussing on what “you” do, focus on the CUSTOMER. So instead of, “I help … I do … I xyz” – try this:

“People come to me/us when they have _______________ and ______________ problem. We fix these problems.”

and how about this:

“Companies come to me when they’re sick of __________________. They’re also tired of ____________________. I help solve these problems.”

Here are some ideas for you:

(This one’s a bit long, but it’s a start!) Businesses come to me when they are annoyed that searching on the Internet finds all their competitors – but not them. Their ideal customers can’t find them anywhere. Requests for help from companies who lack any web presence at all, which result in missed business opportunities, and means the business owners don’t know how to fix things, are common. I help solve these problems.

 The goal here is to think like the customer – what problems do they have (not “what problems do I solve?”). Write your new pitch from the point of view of the prospective client or customer, as in the examples above, and suddenly it sounds and feels better than saying, “I can do xyz for someone.”

Here’s another:

Dog owners come to me when they have tried everything to stop their dog barking. They’re also tired of their neighbours complaining. I help solve both these problems.

What about:

Business owners come to me when they have tried making videos for their business and can’t quite get it right.  They’re tired of wasting so much time and energy with no results.  I help solve these problems by creating videos for them, and training them how to make their own best videos.

Try it.

Let me know what you think.

If you’d like to, feel free to write your new pitch in the Comments below, with a link to your website so others can see what you do, and we’ll help each other out to craft great pitches.

Your turn … How to rewrite your old tired 3 minute elevator pitch

I’d really love to hear your thoughts on this subject – have you had any success with your 30 second or 3 minute elevator pitch lately?

Let me know :

  1. in the Comments below
  2. on my Facebook page >>
  3. on Youtube >>
  4. by phone (remember phones?) :-) In Australia, 0408-801-808

Ciao ciao for now,


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