How to get iPhone Siri to type up your voice – FAQ-023

How to get iPhone Siri to type up your voice - FAQ-023 with Teena Hughes


Wondering how to get iPhone Siri to type up your voice?

I get all kinds of techie questions, and a popular one is whether Siri on iPhone can turn voice into text – and yes it can – I have a solution.

Video Tutorial:

Here is the process I use:

  1. on my iPhone, I press the button and ask Siri to send me an email
  2. Siri asks, “Which one of these should I use?” and display several of my email names
  3. I click on the one I wish to use
  4. Siri asks, “What’s the Subject of the email?”
  5. I say out loud what I’d like the Subject to be
  6. Siri then asks, “What would you like your email to say?”
  7. I speak out loud and record my voice. This can be as long as I like,
  8. “Heres your email message – are you ready to send it?”
  9. I say, “Yes!”
  10. Siri says, “OK, I’ll send it!”
  11. Siri then sends the email and immediately I have a typed block of text in my inbox
  12. when I open the email, I can see the typed text, ready for me to copy/paste where I need to.

I hope this is easy to follow and that it helps you start using Siri as your Personal Assistant, like I do :-)

How to get iPhone Siri to type up your voice - FAQ-023 with Teena Hughes


In my humble opinion, there are always three ways to do just about anything – and typing up a voice as it speaks may have even more options as more Apps become available online and on smart phones.

I’ve tried some of the voice transcription services, and to be honest, I find voice converting to text on the iPhone is one of the simplest ways I’ve come to depend on.

Did you try this technique for how to get Siri to type up your voice?

I’d love to know if you did – let me me know if you found it straightforward, and will use it again.

Got any questions on how to get iPhone Siri to type?

Want to reach out? Here are a bunch of ways to do that.

Chat soon! (phone Australia 0408-801-808 – or text, Zoom and Skype) or post messages here:


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Teena Hughes

View video on YouTube >>

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