How To Control How Much Time I Spend On YouTube

How to control how much time I spend on YouTube

Today’s topic is, “How To Control How Much Time I Spend On YouTube?”

Hi Mariah – thanks for reaching out with your question:

How can I stay off YouTube?

I used to barely go on YouTube but now I spend my whole day on it and I get distracted and stop doing my homework.

I don’t want anything to do with YouTube anymore and I want to be someone that isn’t addicted to my devices

Like everyone else who got a smartphone, I installed the social apps, but it didn’t take me long to realise just how much TIME I was spending looking at my iPhone rather than having conversations with people.

  • I deleted all social apps off my phone, apart from Gmail which I needed for business.

In your situation, it’s a little bit different – instead of clients, you have schoolwork and study, but the goal is the same.

Do you watch YouTube on your phone?

  • Delete the App.

The best way to stop a habit is to set a time limit for the new “PROJECT”. – where the Project is YOU and your TIME.

For example, these tips might help for How To Control How Much Time Is Spent On YouTube:

  1. decide on the maximum amount of time is NEEDED (not “wanted”) to spend on YouTube, any other App or Device (for work, pleasure, study etc)
  2. let’s say an HOUR is the amount of time to spend on YouTube per day (only you can decide the right amount of time)
  3. specify a TIME to LOGIN each day – make it consistent, for example 10:00am to 11:00am
  4. before I login, I start the Timer on my iPhone (I ask Siri to set the Timer for one hour)
  5. when the Timer goes off, I LOG OUT of YouTube (or the App or Device)
  6. I stand up — I stretch a few times, and then do a different task; this could be go for a walk, do some chores to help the family, call a friend, something removed from YouTube
  7. if I continue to work at my desk, and I think of something I need to do or check in YouTube, I DO NOT LOGIN. I keep a notebook handy, and I can also ask Siri to add Notes in my iPhone;  I’ll save these tasks for the next day, unless they are extremely urgent
  8. repeat this Daily Routine for at least a week.


Remember – YOU are in control of YOU.

You have the willpower, desire and determination to take control of the time you spend on any task throughout the day.

At the end of the week:

  • give yourself a pat on the back and maybe even a treat for sticking to the new routine
  • think about any other habits you can change, add one more item to the next week’s Project
  • allow at least a week for each change to take effect, and if you need more time, take two weeks for each one until you are comfortable with the new Project – remember that the Project is YOU.

You can do this – you are the only person in the world who has control over your actions – and that’s fabulous!

Best of luck Mariah! Let me know how you get on!

Got any questions about controlling how much time is spent on YouTube?

  • Email me here >>
  • or call or text me in Brisbane on 0408-801-808
  • if you’re outside Australia, check the Time Zones first – then dial the international code from your country, then +61-408-801-808
  • video chat over or Skype, or post messages here:

Ciao ciao for now,

Looking forward to chatting soon!

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Teena Hughes

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