Today’s question: “If I was selling YouTube SEO as a service (where the client provides the edited video) and I do the Video SEO process, how much should I sell Video SEO for?”
Ahhhh your question is a good one and isn’t easy to answer.
So many things to consider with “just SEO” for a video:
- who’s providing keywords – you or the client? if it’s you, there’s SEO research and how long that will take
- who’s providing the Transcript, you or the client? If it’s you, you need to pay someone to transcribe the video. And YES you MUST have a transcript and post it in all the right places :-)
- who’s adding the video to the client’s site? you or the client?
- who’ll create the blog post, add the transcript, do the blog post SEO?
- what about the video TAGS?
So as you can see it’s not just a matter of adding a video to Youtube — there are lots of steps involved, and it takes TIME if it’s you who’s doing them all :-)
Probably the easiest way is to ask the client to provide everything, but you charge as though you were providing everything (that way you can keep the price consistent no matter how much they provide), but of course this is up to you.
Consider this exercise to work out your price:
- pick a video, any video that you have or even one from Youtube
- make a note of the time, and go through all the steps I’ve mentioned – write down how long that took
- make note of everything you’ve provided in the past for other clients, and make a Checklist to follow
- once you have an idea of the time it takes to do all the steps, make a note
- now repeat the Checklist on a couple of other videos, writing down how long each step takes
- add the totals together, and divide by the number of videos your worked on
- this will give you an “average” of time spent.
Once you have a good idea how long it takes YOU to do it, you’ll get a better idea of how much you would sell Video SEO for.
I’ve been doing this for years, so something which takes me an hour might take you two or three hours.
You might find you can outsource some of it (transcript, keywords, tags etc) and save yourself plenty of time, at a much lower cost than your hourly rate/project price.
If you’re just doing Video SEO on Youtube, that’s only step one.
For example, I then distribute the videos using my own system I’ve created to get a far wider reach, which makes it much more attractive to clients who are will to pay the extra.
I hope this makes sense – please do let me know if you need any help.
- Email me here >>
- or call or text me in Brisbane on 0408-801-808
- if you’re outside Australia, check the Time Zones first – then dial the international code from your country, then +61-408-801-808
- video chat over or Skype, or post messages here:
Teena Hughes