A quick chat about Talking Head Videos

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Let’s have a quick chat about Talking Head Videos

A “talking head” video is one where someone talks directly to camera while presenting information, like a newsreader, talk show host and guests etc.

For some people, the mere idea of talking to a camera to make a video is frightening and overwhelming, and may prevent them from ever trying to do so.

For others it feels natural and they thoroughly enjoy being the “star” of their own video.

For many people though the emotions fall somewhere between those two :-)

Two Different Video Styles

In today’s video I talk about two different styles of video presentation I watched this week, and the things I found hard to watch – and easy to watch.
In my first example, the female presenter seemed very comfortable, but I found it hard to watch her style.
On reading more on this person’s website, I discovered she has been making and presenting videos for a very long time, so I was puzzled by the presentation technique I was watching — and in the video above I share a couple of tips to make face-on-camera presentation a bit easier to perform.
A quick chat about Talking Head Videos with Teena Hughes

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Let me know what you think — have you noticed talking head videos with the same problem?

Have you worked out a great way to make it easy for YOU to create talking head videos?

I’m looking forward to hearing from you – feel free to post a Comment below, send me an email, or pop over to the Facebook page where I post regular updates.

Ciao ciao for now,
Teena signature - Happy International Women's Day 2018
Teena Hughes

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