4 Tips When Making a Newsletter [Video]

Most business owners know they should be creating Newsletters to keep in touch with potential customers (and a separate newsletter to keep in touch with Clients), but the majority of folks find it hard to get started.

In this short video I give you four simple tips to help you think about getting your Newsletter started, and what your subscribers / readers might like – if you have similar tips, I’d love to hear them, drop me a line in the Comments below – thanks!

Watch on Youtube >>

Hi there, this is Teena Hughes and today’s tip is about Newsletters.

1. Remember to never send a Word document, but you can of course save as a PDF.

2. Name your PDF making it easy to find in a list of Newsletters.

3. Put your URL/LINK inside the PDF so people can find you again later.

Always ask your subscribers:

4. Would they rather their news be delivered as a PDF, a blog post, a video or via email?

Everyone may want something different, but it’s a great way to find out and see what most people prefer.

Newsletters are great to:
— help your subscribers earn
— share your knowledge
— provide support
— build a loyal community.

Did you like these tips from me — Teena Hughes?

Oooh I hope you did!

If so, please sign up today — pop over to my website,

Cheerio for now, bye bye!
from Teena Hughes



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